Situated in northern Bynoe

Perseverance & Jewellers

lithium bearing pegmatite targets

Perseverance & Jewellers

Situated in northern Bynoe, Perseverance and Jewellers have multiple Lithium bearing pegmatite drill targets.
Up to four (4) priority diamond tail and diamond tail extension holes planned for the Perseverance Prospect during the 2024 field season.

Surface mapping has identified several weathered pegmatites:


  • 500 m long at Jewellers
  • +100 m long at Perseverance
  • Lithium soil anomalies coincident with the mapped pegmatites.
  • DPGR surveys confirm pegmatite drill targets continue at depth.
DPRG section at Perseverance
DPRG section line from Perseverance (50m depth) also identifies potential multiple pegmatite dykes.

Mapped weathered pegmatite dyke at Perseverance prospect.

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